Payload elevators, what I know so far (a guide, of sorts)

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Alright, so I've been asked this alot, and you have probably seen me rageing in chat about these elevators I'm doing in my map. I have spent a few days getting this to work, and while they are not perfect yet, I am going to tell you what I do know, and hope that the hive mind of will help fill in the rest.

  1. What I have done is created a second func_tracktrain for the platform. When you do this, you also need to create a second set of tracks, just for the motion of the platform (so 2 verticle ones will do).
  2. You create a second team_train_watcher that watches only the platform
  3. You need to create a second trigger_capture_area. Parent this to the platform. You will need to set the outputs to "OnNumCappersChanged2 > [******] > SetNumTrainCappers" the ***** means you have to send one to the main Payload watcher, and one to the Platform watcher.
  4. You need to create a logic_compare, this just sets up overtime for if the cart is on the elevator (outputs look like this)
*** I'm currently having issues with the hud, but they are not gamebreaking, so I will work on fixing them later.
Now, if you want to do rollback on your elevator (like hightower) you need to set up a dummy path_track ONE HU away from the center of the main top or bottom one (Depends on where you start). ***DO THIS FOR THE CARTS PATH NOT THE PLATFORMS*** Set the dummy path_track, and the 2 main pathtracks to roll back (or roll forward(?)) zones. When you reach the top or bottom of your elevator, set a path_track output to "OnPass > [Name of bottom -not dummy- path_track] > DisablePath" .... This allows your cart to rollback multiple times.

I'm going to be adding to this/constantly updating as I can. I'm sorry if it appears vague, but I'm trying to get this working as quickly/efficiently as I can. There are still bugs that I need to work out, but I felt that I should post this so people can start up on their elevators as they need them for their maps. Keep checking back here, I will make sure to note what I have updated.

You can ask me anything about this that you want, I'll try and be as helpful as possible.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Is there a reason you aren't just copying Hightower?

The way hightower does it requires a func_brush and a track_train and spawning in the track train after the payload reaches the platform, or something... The way I have it is a bit simplier and it is what Booj did for Leminnes in Corrode.


Sep 11, 2013
Oh, I didn't realize Hightower was so strange I guess. I'm going to be doing a similar thing in my map (not an elevator though) so I guess I ought to just shut up and let you figure it out for me.

Edit: is there some reason you aren't just using Corrode's setup?
Jan 8, 2011
The way I have it is a bit simplier and it is what Booj did for Leminnes in Corrode.

Of course. If it involves entities, Booj has already done it successfully.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Okay, will I have most of the issues resolved, except 2

1. (Major) I can't figure out why I need to run out of and then back into the carts capture zone after the cart reaches the top/bottom of the elevator
2. Whenever it goes onto the elevator, the cart on the hud resets, goes back to the beginning and follows the progress of the elevator as it goes up. when it reaches the top of the elevator, the hud goes back to normal.


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
try removing watcher for the platform. i dont see why would you want it watched in the first place, except maybe for letting watcher handle the movement.
the cart on the hud is the train that is being watched by the active watcher. if multiple are active, i guess it picks the platform here
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L1: Registered
Dec 30, 2011
I don't know if anyone has tried using vertical path_track to solve the payload on an elevator conundrum.

I read from a post on the Valve community forums here that the person locked the train to z-axis (I don't know how to do this) creating the illusion of an "elevator". The elevator platform is then set to move at the same speed as the cart. Although I haven't tested this method, I think it also solves the payload HUD issue some people are having.

The thread has other tips on the issue as well.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
additionally, having players "push" the cart up or down an elevator is bad mechanics, and will cause a lot of balance issues in the game.

Ha, quote from grazr before hightower... Jokes on him!

What you are linking I've seen and studied already... I have a working elevator, there are just some minor bugs that I need to work out so that it works more smoothly.


L2: Junior Member
Nov 1, 2009
Another solution to your first problem could be to use a Logic_relay/branch system to have the cart automatically (like in PLR when the cart's paths cross) move onto and off the elevator will allow the players to push without getting on and off the cart to have it continue its movement and it will look natural.


L2: Junior Member
Nov 1, 2009
That is what i meant, have it roll onto the elevator, then have the people push it, and roll off, it would only get on and off automatically and would not move up/down as such.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Ha, quote from grazr before hightower... Jokes on him!

Hightower has bigger stalemate issues than 2fort. I don't consider it to be a quote at my own expense. But of course in any scenario it's all relative, if you've designed the map so defenders can't effectively assault the payload in vertical movement it's less of an issue for attackers to progress past.
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Sep 11, 2013
I disagree about the stalemating.

Frozen, how much of this is just because of the platform? I'm doing something similar but I won't need a platform and I'm trying to figure this out asap since it's going to be the most complex piece of my map by far. Mine will unfortunately also involve some teleportation.