MvM Causing Crashes? Possible connection to this?

Oct 6, 2008
Ok, so we all know it's been a very unstable release - but still al ot of fun to play:)

The release has completely fubared my canyon map forcing me to drop the "get the key to open the gate so the payload can continue" challenge I set up in the game - it was working perfectly until the MvM update.

I haven't had the chance to look at the MvM coding yet but, as far as I can tell, the bomb is the item_briefcase logic or a modified version of it - this modification might be the issue causing the crashes.

The settings before the update were:

Game type 1 - CTF
Game type 2 - attack/defend
Game type 3 - invade
Game type 4 - Koth style (according to the developer site)
now after the update the game logic for the code has been swaitched to

Game type 1 - CTF
Game type 2 - attack/defend
Game type 3 - invade
Game type 4 - Resouce Control

Now, I don't know about you, but I for one have never heard of the "Resource Control" Game style - has anyone else heard of it or know what it does or is this something completely new? Maybe they were trying to create game type 5 and screwed up.

Also is there any reason the MvM update would F/up existing coding of the intel packs?
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