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L2: Junior Member
Jun 26, 2008
Some people saw this map when it was still in devtextures, and knew the name rocketsilo. Much work has been done, and we’ve been rather isolated from the publicity during the progress. But now, as the map is seeing some closed beta tests already, we decided it is the time to post some screenshots to show you guys how the map has developed.

http://koti.mbnet.fi/tmalmi/rocketsilo/compare/wildmire.html [OPEN CAREFULLY, CONTAINS LOTS OF PICTURES]

Open beta release is going to happen, but first we’re gonna run enough playtests to get the majority of the things right. I’m hoping we can release this to the public during this month. :)

- Zipok & Tarmo-

(P.S. Decided to keep the old thread to avoid unwanted topicspam)
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L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Shouldn't this be in the maps forum?


L2: Junior Member
Jun 26, 2008
Hmp, I didn't notice any WIP threads in there, and that made me ignore that forum, as I thought it was for maps further in progress. Is it possible for an admin to move this thread?

P.S. Back to topic, I want to hear opinions and thoughts on the layout and my suggestion. :)
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A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Hmp, I didn't notice any WIP threads in there, and that made me ignore that forum, as I thought it was for maps further in progress.
That's because all but one of them ARE work in progress, so it'd would be silly to label them as such :p

Moved your thread though, now you need to edit the first post and fix up the format. :)


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
It looks like you don't have lights and stuff in your map.

Maybe download this, choose an environment and put it in your map. :)


L2: Junior Member
Jun 26, 2008
Why should i add lights and such to a map which is quite obviously in a layout testing phase? Such things would become a nuisance this early into mapping process.

Thank you Snark, and forgive me, I thought [WIP] threads were still the trend here. :D
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Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
Well, for lighting. If you have no lights in a map it sets the server to fullbright. (ewww fullbright) I don't know the specifics, but it's bad not to have lights.


L2: Junior Member
Jun 26, 2008
Yes, I know that, but I've ran around the map for a while and came to the conclusion that it is enough to be playtestable. I just can't see a good reason to add lights, just to have to redo them once the graphic- and detailwork begins.
Apr 13, 2009
The reason is, you can't submit a fullbright map for playtest, because it makes every following map in the server rotation also fullbright. Besides, even in dev textures, it looks much better (read : less repulsive), and it helps a lot to navigate around your map if you have some shadows.
Just put a few light entities where you think you need them, make sure there is enough lighting everywhere, and that should be enough for a first time.


L3: Member
Mar 21, 2009
Maps with no light entities (also known as fullbright maps) deactivate any light entities on any subsequent maps on the server, I think.

Generally, trying to get a fullbright map on a server will result in the following maps also being fullbright, resulting in the mapmakers shaking their fists and the server requiring a restart, I believe.

Brief: good luck getting a playtest with a fullbright map, you'll need it!

[Edit] Damn, ninja'd.


L6: Sharp Member
May 26, 2009
You can plan ahead and do the bulk of the lighting work now - and then only have to tweak it during the art passes (because goodness knows no one gets the lights right on the first shot).


L2: Junior Member
Jun 26, 2008
Shame the idea was to do this map as a co-op project, with myself providing layout planning and therefore balancing the map and all that fine-tuning that kicks in with betatests, while someone else does the visuals. Which include lights.

I'd have to make the lights just for that playday and I really don't want to go through lighting the entire map well enough just to have them deleted after alphatests. :/ All I want to do is to hope for the admins to be graceful and let the fullbright version be tested, but if it gets denied and I really can't get alphatesters anywhere else, I guess I'll have to do the lights for this version as well.
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L2: Junior Member
Jun 17, 2009
You can just run through and drop rudimentary lights above the surface, you don't need to do it with props and get all exact. Just something that isn't fullbright.


L1: Registered
Jun 26, 2008
Shame the idea was to do this map as a co-op project, with myself providing layout planning and therefore balancing the map and all that fine-tuning that kicks in with betatests, while someone else does the visuals. Which include lights.

I'd have to make the lights just for that playday and I really don't want to go through lighting the entire map well enough just to have them deleted after alphatests. :/ All I want to do is to hope for the admins to be graceful and let the fullbright version be tested, but if it gets denied and I really can't get alphatesters anywhere else, I guess I'll have to do the lights for this version as well.

You can get a map lit in under 10 minutes. It really isn't that hard to just drop a bunch of light entities around to add a bit of depth to a map, especially with dev textures. without lights, everything looks flat, it's hard to judge your distance from stuff.
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